The hallmarks of our consulting approach are flexibility and forward-looking insight.


Many consulting and research firms are stuck in the “change order” mentality of defining the objectives, approach and scope for the work upfront and rigidly adhering to them throughout the project. Any shift in customer requirements causes problems and a new round of negotiation around cost and timing. This may work well in some environments but not in technology markets where things change fast and perspectives change as new learning occurs. The approach and scope need to remain flexible to accommodate new areas to examine or de-emphasize based on interim project learning. Our philosophy is that the most successful projects shift course once or twice as they progress – they need to as new insights are brought to the table. We follow a long-term, relationship philosophy and flexible working approach to ensure the project morphs as it should without the headache of a “change order” process.

Forward Looking Insight

Our consulting work often relies on a strong fact base developed through primary market research (qualitative and / or quantitative). We are most often working in markets where it is critical to have a forward-looking perspective and where it is important to help customers understand and react to concepts that do not necessarily exist today. This is much more difficult to address effectively than traditional market research. Our approach is tailored to this requirement.

Our Unique Approach to Forward Looking Insight

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